The White Panda - "Pandamonium"

The White Panda are a mashup duo comprised of members Procrast and DJ Griffi. The two began the collaborative mashup effort when their interests in the genre merged back in 2009. Previous full online releases, as well as a series of individual song mashes have given The White Panda a decent internet following. With Pandamonium, their third album, they will no doubt continue to garner more attention in the scene.

On Pandamonium the group comes at us with 40 individual tracks that function together as one single, living unit. Each track transitions and blends seamlessly into the next, giving listeners a 50 minute experience as opposed to a series of lonely tracks that survive on individual merit. There aren't too many risks taken on the album, but the end result is a cohesive and mostly up-beat production that will suit most mashup fans' tastes. Throw this on at a party, and "pandamonium" will be sure to ensue.

The White Panda again take advantage of Bandcamp for the album release. On the site the digital album is available for download at a "name your own price" rate in virtually any useful format. This is a great service that affords fans the opportunity to grab the album for free, or pay a fee of their choosing to help support the efforts that this duo puts forth. There are also incentives built into the pricing - $25 gets you the album and a nifty tshirt featuring the album art, $50 gets you the album and an autographed 8x8 album artwork.

Check out the website and show love so they keep doin' what their doin'.

Initially, my favorite part of the album:

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